Die Stämme Statistiken: dep8: Rankings

Name Stamm Rang Punkte Angreiferrang Angreiferpunkte Verteidigerrang Verteidigerpunkte
köpi1981 x C x 78 73,033,294 110 28,334,935 95 25,614,813
domi * x C x 81 71,394,151 371 4,303,667 28 59,298,519
letzterSchatten x C x 104 57,913,743 158 19,319,116 66 34,269,918
KKrauti x C x 176 34,233,849 299 7,409,654 94 25,724,983
Alexbaby1960 x C x 184 33,234,487 252 9,936,549 125 18,311,116
griscia x C x 196 30,992,924 307 7,062,487 192 12,159,265
Luki 118 x C x 197 30,867,126 265 9,287,543 117 20,439,119
Moertel x C x 208 29,144,266 172 17,029,294 266 7,845,039
SRAA x C x 214 27,764,410 376 4,176,747 131 17,271,719
The King of Ledron x C x 240 24,293,858 322 6,226,703 173 14,150,799
pitbull1802 x C x 322 16,027,329 411 3,015,257 232 9,458,816
Gucky1234 x C x 339 15,057,771 659 162,523 280 7,251,957
Schokomokovar x C x 365 13,444,466 290 8,128,994 358 5,051,451
Yxus x C x 396 11,413,330 461 2,010,377 247 8,706,936
Dame Zweu x C x 401 11,051,860 454 2,135,743 241 8,861,160
screamhert x C x 424 9,717,640 437 2,467,533 376 4,808,943
CB32 x C x 491 6,730,988 518 1,195,084 492 2,905,366
till500k x C x 547 4,993,670 407 3,113,940 618 1,438,487
Bavragor Schildbrecher x C x 568 4,252,484 675 118,743 439 3,647,733
Reiserobert x C x 574 4,047,758 618 350,062 436 3,697,696
Frechdachs66 x C x 582 3,879,560 452 2,139,195 627 1,312,926
VEP10 x C x 654 2,014,617 630 295,713 598 1,661,081
Christian 73 x C x 659 1,890,381 730 12,694 602 1,616,667
LoveMarie2009 x C x 667 1,719,911 581 635,560 644 1,084,351
Ibimen x C x 687 1,216,331 644 232,065 652 981,802
parakusis x C x 712 651,021 688 78,804 692 516,343
pitbull1975 x C x 721 536,429 616 351,324 737 185,105
Lord-of-first x C x 724 471,607 698 58,266 707 413,341
Moseltreverer x C x 740 261,224 708 39,675 736 199,724
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2024-04-30 14:33:46 CEST

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